• 11 May 2017

11-05-2017     15-08-1438







Net profit (loss)


191 -28.27 142 -3.52

Gross profit (loss)


403 -13.9 358 -3.07

Operational profit (loss)


204 -19.12 162 1.85

Earning or loss per share, Riyals



All figures are in (Millions) Saudi Arabia, Riyals



Reasons of increase (decrease) for quarter compared with same quarter last year

The net profit for the current quarter has decreased by 28% as compared to same quarter of previous year due to decrease in revenue by 13% and due to decrease in margins for some services in order to protect and increase the market share and due to change in product mix with variable margins increasing share of online revenue.

The net profit for the current quarter has decreased by 28% as compared to same quarter of previous year due to decrease in revenue by 13% and due to decrease in margins for some services in order to protect and increase the market share and due to change in product mix with variable margins increasing share of online revenue.

The Company revenues (as classified according to International Financial Reporting Standards) decreased during the current quarter as compared with the same quarter of last year by 13% mainly due to decline in the average commission/revenue of the traditional travel sector. It should be noted here that the Group online bookings through its online platform have increased by 203% compared with last year for the same quarter (from SR 66 million to SR 201 million) this sector enjoyed rapid growth from the Group’s strategy to focus on online sector.

Reasons of increase (decrease) for quarter compared with previous quarter

Revenue of the company (as classified according to International Financial Reporting Standards) during the current quarter as compared to previous quarter has decreased by 24% mainly due to seasonality difference.

The net profit for the current quarter has decreased by 4% as compared to previous quarter and the selling and administrative expense have decreased by 12% as compared to previous quarter. This is in line with Group focus on expense control. Excluding the impact of decrease in expenses for the current quarter the net profit of the company for the current quarter would have decreased by 26% as compared to previous quarter

Reclassifications in quarterly financial results

Certain comparative figures are reclassified to conform current period classification.

Other notes

Items, elements and notes of the comparatives Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements have been redisplayed, regrouped and reclassified to meet with the applied accounting policies for the current period which have been prepared according to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) that are endorsed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. For more information, please see the note 28 (Effect of IFRS standards adoption) in the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements for the period ended in 31 March 2017.

The revenue for the current quarter is SAR 467 Million as compared to SAR 535 million for the same quarter of previous year showing a decrease of 13 %.
The gross profit for the current quarter is SAR 347 million as compared to SAR 403 million for the same quarter of previous year showing a decrease of 14%.
The operating profit for the current quarter is SAR 165 Million as compared to SAR 204 million for the same quarter of previous year showing a decrease of 19 %
The net profit after zakat and tax for the current quarter is SAR 134 million as compared to SAR 190 million for the same quarter of previous year with a decrease of 29%.
The net profit after non controlling interest for the current quarter is SAR 137 million as compared to SAR 191 million for the same quarter of previous year with a decrease of 28%.
The total comprehensive income for the current quarter is SAR 146 million as compared to SAR 175 million for the same quarter of previous year with a decrease of 17% and SAR 86 million for the previous quarter increased by 70%.
Earnings per share for the current quarter is SR 0.65 per share as compared to SR 0.91 per share in the same quarter of previous year
The shareholders equity (without non controlling interest interest) as of end of current period is SAR 5,751 million showing an increase by 14% compared to SAR 5,041 million as of end of similar period last year (without minority interest)
Earnings per share attributable to shareholders of the Company for the current and comparative period has been calculated by using the number of ordinary shares outstanding as at 31 March 2017 of 209.65 million shares (2016: 209.65 million shares).

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